Sunday, November 05, 2006

Resource Materials

In June 1958, Rev. Bassam Madany was appointed as Arabic Broadcast Minister of The Back to God hour. He pioneered Arabic radio missions and developed a Bible-based ministry, (1958-1994) which emphasized the centrality of the Word of God in missions to Muslims.

He has authored several books in Arabic for his follow up ministry. They can be accessed on an Arabic-language web site: Mrs. Shirley Madany was involved in several aspects of his ministry and directed the follow-up department of Saatu’l Islah, the Arabic name of the radio mission. For more information about their retirement ministry see

Rev. Madany authored “The Bible and Islam: A Basic Guide to Sharing God’s Word with a Muslim.” It has gone through many printings in the USA, two printings in Nairobi, Kenya, and two printings in the Russian language in Moscow, Russia. In 2005 Shirley W. Madany published “Muslims Meeting Christ”, a book of testimonies from listeners whose lives were impacted by the Arabic radio and literature ministry. Then in 2006, Bassam and Shirley Madany published “An Introduction to Islam” consisting of 33 articles, book reviews, and commentaries on Islam. Rev. Madany is a frequent lecturer on the Christian response to the challenge of Islam.

A free CD is available containing the following items: 12 Arabic language books that Rev. Madany produced during his 36 year radio ministry, 100 audio sermons, the entire Arabic Bible in PDF, Arabic hymns and video clips.

An Introduction to Islam ($12.50). Muslims Meeting Christ ($10.00), The Bible and Islam ($7.50) Checks should be made payable to Bassam M. Madany.

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